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Statute of the Mani Amiche Association

Denomination, Headquarters, Aims

Art. 1

The Mani Amiche Association was born in Sarteano ( Siena, Italy) in the spirit of Christian love which aspires to a brotherhood of man and equality.

Art. 2

The Mani Amiche Association has its headquarters in Sarteano (Siena, Italy) in Via dei Fiori, 16. These headquarters may be altered provided that they remain within Italy with the possibility of secondary offices and branches being established both in Italy and abroad.

Art. 3

The Mani Amiche Association is a non profit organization and is apolitical.

     a)     It aims to promote philanthropic endeavors and acts of Christian charity towards all peoples in particular the peoples of the less developed world and most in particular malnourished and abandoned children.

     b)     With reference to law no. 49 or the 26th of February 1987 the Association undertakes to study the causes of underdevelopment and to spread information about this problem encouraging above all young people to get involved in improving this state of affairs. This will be done via training and educational courses about development which will take place in Italy in order to support programs and projects undertaken for the benefit of lesser developed countries

     c)     Form groups of volunteers who are able to carry out their various activities for a certain period of time within the context of the initiatives and programs carried out in developing countries and in Italy.

     d)     To undertake humanitarian work and aid work in developing countries which are aimed at helping improve the human and social aspects of the lives of local populations with the aim of rendering them independent.

     e)     To offer in times of peace the possibility of undertaking civilian voluntary work in place of military service if necessary.

     f)     To promote peace through solidarity and development.

     g)     In collaboration with the legal authorities dealing with minors and the social services and provided that there is the authorization of all competent bodies and conforming to the laws regarding minors, the association may oversee the entry into Italy of minors deemed free for by their local authorities for the purposes of sponsorship and fostering.

     h)     Directly and indirectly promote the financial and economic resources required in order to perform humanitarian work.

     i)     To organize professional and specialized technical training courses in Italy and abroad for the specific populations who are to benefit from the various projects.

     j)     To organize courses for those who will in future be running professional training courses in less developer countries.

Art. 4

The Association shall operate according to the Italian law regarding international voluntary work, the north south cooperation and whatever activity in may perform.

Art. 5


The assets of the Association consist of the following:

     a)     Membership fees

     b)     Contributions made by local authorities, local business, Credit Institutes, companies in general and private individuals.

     c)     Grants, donations, bequests left by third parties and by associates, proceeds from other activities undertaken by the association and by volunteers.

     d)     All the property and real estate which will become the property of the Association.

     e)     In order to raise funds for its humanitarian projects the Association can undertake the following initiatives:

     f)     collection and sale of recycled items

     g)     import and sale of local products and craftwork typical of the popular traditions of the les developed countries to whom the benefit of these sales are directed.

     h)     organization of seminars, conventions, studies, publications etc.

     i)     the organizing of art fairs to promote painting, weaving, wood carving, metal work etc. of the population which Art.3 is aimed.

     j)     the sale of products mentioned on marketing tables

     k)     organization of games and shows

     l)     organization of lotteries, bingo games and the such

     m)     organization of excursions within Italy and abroad

     n)     promotion of voluntary activities for the benefit of the Association

Art. 6

The president, representative of the board or another person delegated by the steering committee , will be responsible for asking for licenses and the gain the authority necessary to implement enterprises proposed by the Association.

Art. 7


The Association has two categories of member: ordinary members and honorary members. All Italian and Foreign citizens may become members provided that they have reached the age of 18.

Ordinary members are all those who wish to give the world hope and peace, in order to become members they pay an annually renewable subscription the sum of which is established by the steering committee.

Honorary members are those who take an active role in order to benefit the Association and help it achieve its goals ; volunteers who give up some of their time in order to help developing countries and who combine technical competence with a complete lack of self interest or wish to profit in any way financially from their actions those who intend to work as volunteer as an alternative to military service with the commitment and for the period of time determined by the corresponding law.

Those who have particularly distinguished themselves for their actions and collaboration may become honorary members when proposed by the president or the steering committee. Members who have not withdrawn membership by the 31st December shall still be considered members in the following year. Collaborators are all those who are physically and legally working for the association even if they are not actually members. All members apart from honorary members and collaborators must pay their subscription fee by the 31st December of every year.

Art. 8

Membership is withdrawn when a member dies, gives up membership or is expelled on the grounds of misconduct sanctioned by the steering committee or for failure to abide by the last clause of Art.7 for three successive years.

Art. 9

The steering committee is obliged to ensure that non of its members indulge in any form of speculation. Anyone wishing to use the Association for their own benefits whether economic ideological or political shall be expelled. The decision of the steering committee shall be final and irrevocable. No member may claim rights or compensation for actions taken on behalf of the Association.

All payments and expenditures incurred by the Association must be documented and shall be vetted by the steering committee.

Art. 10

Volunteers who have accepted a post abroad must give their resignation in by writing. Decisions taken by volunteers and associates shall be valid unless they have been approved by the steering committee.

All groups operating in developing countries shall have a leader who shall be chosen by the group in agreement with the steering committee.

The group leader shall operate on the basis of instructions given by the steering committee. The Association shall support volunteers, psychologically, professionally and socially on their return. The Association shall deal prevalently with communities and local agencies in the developing countries concerned.

The Structure of the Association will be thus:

     a)     Members assembly

     b)     Steering committee

     c)     President

     d)     Vice-President

     e)     Treasury Committee

     f)     Technical Committee

Art. 11

The Assembly

The Assembly consists of all the members of the Association. Members are called to the ordinary assembly by the steering committee once a year by letter which is to be sent at least 20 days previous to the established date. The letter must contain the key points to be raised at the meeting, the place and time and date. Should the steering committee consider it necessary an extraordinary meeting of the assembly may be called. Furthermore the assembly may be called by the written request of at least on third of the effective members. The assembly may also be called to meet at another location rather that the headquarters provided that it takes place in Italy.

All collaborators may take part in the assembly but may not vote in any motions put forward.

Art. 12

The ordinary assembly approve the annual budget and balance for the current and oncoming year by the 30th June of each year, it will discuss the aims of the association its goals and will vote a steering committee, President, Vice-President and Treasury committee, it will approve of any changes to the statute proposed by the steering committee.

Art. 13

Members may be represented by other members. Every member may represent a maximum of three members.

Art. 14

The assembly is presided over by the president and in his or her absence the vice president ad in the absence of both the assembly votes in a president for that particular assembly. Minutes shall be kept of all meetings of the assembly and shall be signed by the president and the secretary.

Art. 15

The ordinary and extraordinary assemblies are valid if 51% of members are present at the first convocation and whatever many are present at the second operating a voting by majority system.

Art. 16

The steering committee

The steering committee is the organ responsible for the execution of the plans generally outlined by the assembly. It consists of a President, a vice president, three to seven councilors all of whom elected by the assembly and lasts for the duration of three years. Each member of the steering committee may be reelected to perform the same or another function. Should a member of the steering committee either die or resign, unless it is the president, the steering committee at the first meeting ensure their replacement and shall seek validation at the first assembly. The steering committee nominates a secretary and a treasurer. No fee is owed to members of the steering committee.

Art. 17

The steering committee meets as frequently as deemed necessary by the President who asks at least half of the members to attend, but at least twice a year in order to monitor the progress made by the Association and to examine the budget and balance of the financial year past and future which will be put before the assembly on the established terms.

In order for motions to be passed by the steering committee the effective presence of the majority is required and the meeting, motions are past by majority vote. The steering committee is presided over by the President and in his or her absence the vice president and in the absence of both an elected councilor elected by those present. Minutes of meetings will be kept in an appropriate book and signed by the president or the secretary.

Art. 18

The steering committee has the most ample powers in the ordinary and extraordinary governing of the Association without any limits of any sort unless specifically required by the assembly. The steering committee establish the time frame, method and instruments that will be used for the realization of the projects outlined by the assembly and processes new applications, establishes expulsions for moral reasons or for acts contrary to the aims of the association of one or more members, it is in charge of the training of volunteers who are to be sent to undertake work in the less developed world. It is responsible for nominating the technical committee.

Art. 19

The President

The president is the legal representative of the Association ,he or she is its director and it its representative in the face of third parties and in all legal matters. The President is responsible for the smooth running of operations and of social affairs. The president signs social acts on behalf of the Association for the benefit of members or third parties.

The president oversees the deliberations and accomplishment of projects set out by the assembly and the steering committee.

The president may delegate to one or more councilors part of his or her assignments on a temporary or permanent basis.

Art. 20

Treasury committee

The management of the Association is controlled by the Treasury committee which is constituted by three elected members )elected by the assembly) whose post is held for a period of three years . The treasury committee is responsible for keeping accounts and providing an annual balance, they have the power to assess the financial situation and the budget all assets of the Association and can at any time and individually conduct inspections and controls.

Art. 21

The Technical committee

The technical committee does not have the power to make decisions but has the responsibility of planning and managing projects.

Art. 22

Membership expires on the 31st December of each year. The annual budget must be approved by the assembly by the 30th June of each successive year.

Art. 23


In the event that the Association were to be dissolved, the residual assets will be distributed to other organizations who have aims analogous to those of the Mani Amiche Association and in such a way as to benefit deprived and suffering children.

Though this is in no way contemplated in this act is it an obligatory requirement of such acts and is in accordance with the legal requirements governing the statutes of associations.